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Chiropractic FAQs

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

The Chiropractic adjustment is a painless form of manipulative therapy with specific and controlled application of force through a dysfunctional joint, to restore its motion. There are numerous scientific studies to support its effectiveness in restoring joint mechanics and function to assist the body with recovering. 

What is the 'crack' sound?

When receiving an adjustment, an audible 'crack' or 'pop' may be heard. Joints of the body are surrounded with synovial fluid, which acts like a lubricant to assist with the movement of a joint. When an adjustment is applied to a dysfunctional joint, the joint capsule is stretched and the air within the fluid in the capsule is released and creates a 'crack' or 'pop' sound. This sound is a normal reaction when changing joint biomechanics.

What should I expect from my first Chiropractic consultation?

An initial chiropractic consultation will include a thorough patient history and examination to determine the diagnosis of an injury. Once a diagnosis is established, a treatment and rehabilitation plan can be determined and the treatment process can begin.

What should I expect from my standard Chiropractic consultations?

A standard repeat consultation will be after the initial or extended consult when a diagnosis has been established. You can expect a re-examination and continuation of treatment using a multimodal approach. Further progression of your rehabilitation plan may be necessary.   

What is a multi-modal therapy approach?

A multimodal therapy approach involves applying  a range of  treatment options over multiple areas of the body to achieve the best outcome in pain and injury management. This ensures that the cause of injury is managed as well as the symptoms that are presented. Multi-modal therapy relies heavily on a thorough physical examination (screening) and diagnosis established during treatment consultations. This multimodal approach may include a combination of spinal and extremity joint manipulative and/or mobilisation therapy, soft tissue treatment and exercise rehabilitative therapy. 

What is Dry Needling?

Dry Needling is an effective technique used for treating muscular pain and myofascial dysfunction. It can be used for relaxing overactive muscles, which contain trigger points (muscular knots), or damaged soft tissue structures(muscles, ligaments, tendons). Treatment involves applying fine, sterile Acupuncture needles into muscular trigger points, tendons or ligaments to treat musculoskeletal pain. 

Coaching FAQs

When is strength training appropriate for my child/adolescent?

A child that is ready to participate in organised sports will be ready to partake in a form of organised strength training. It is not wise to apply strength training programs for children before the age of 8 years. Children/adolescents initiating in strength training need to build a foundation and progress gently by learn basic movements with suitable resistance (ie. bodyweight). For more information please refer to the ASCA journal paper JASC 26(5) ( Training for Children & Adolescents ( 

When should my child/adolescent engage in weights training?

Weights training should proceed early stages of strength training that involve preparing the body to tolerate weights being lifted. Adolescents should engage in weights training after a suitable amount of preparatory strength training has been completed to learn and understand technique and etiquette of weight lifting training. It is important that a qualified coach makes these decisions. For more information please refer to the ASCA Journal Paper JASC 26(5) ( / Strength Training for Children & Adolescents (

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